2.2 - [2024-12-02] Load translation files in the plugins_loaded event rather than init. 2.1 - [2024-11-12] Changed hook for loading translations file to avoid warning in WordPress 6.7. 2.0 - [2024-07-07] Compatibility with WordPress 6.6 and WooCommerce 9.1. Added requirement for WooCommerce plugin to be installed. 1.57 - [2024-06-04] WooCommerce 9.0 compatibility. 1.56 - [2024-03-19] Compatibility with WordPress 6.5 and WooCommerce 8.7 1.55 - [2023-10-25] Confirmed compatibility with WordPress 6.4 1.54 - [2023-10-12] Confirmed compatibility with WooCommerce 8.2 1.53 - [2023-08-08] Confirmed compatibility with WooCommerce High Performance Order Storage (HPOS). Confirmed compatibility with WooCommerce 8.0 and WordPress 6.3 1.52 - [2023-05-30] Confirmed compatibility with WooCommerce 7.8 1.51 - [2023-03-21] Confirmed compatibility with WooCommerce 7.5 and WordPress 6.2 1.50 - [2023-02-18] Confirmed compatibility with WooCommerce 7.4 1.49 - [2023-01-16] Fixed integration with the Booster For WooCommerce Product Addons plugin. 1.48 - [2023-01-10] Added a new hook to allow overriding products being on sale: pwos_product_include_in_sale. Confirmed compatibility with WooCommerce 7.3 1.47 - [2022-11-23] Confirmed compatibility with WooCommerce 7.2 1.46 - [2022-11-06] Confirmed compatibility with WooCommerce 7.1 and WordPress 6.1 1.45 - [2022-06-23] Added troubleshooting information to the WooCommerce System Report. WooCommerce 6.7 compatible. 1.44 - [2022-06-17] Updated the WooCommerce minimum version requirement to 4.0. 1.43 - [2022-06-08] Upgraded the plugin updater library. Added upgrade icon. WooCommerce 6.6 compatibility. 1.42 - [2022-05-18] Fixed potential PHP notice message: Timezone ID +00:00 is invalid. 1.41 - [2022-05-09] WordPress 6.0 and WooCommerce 6.5 compatibility. 1.40 - WordPress 5.9 and WooCommerce 6.2 compatibility. 1.39 - Updated license manager to not rely on WooCommerce functions. Confirmed compatibility with WooCommerce 6.0 1.38 - Removed a PHP Warning message that can appear in the log files when running wp-cron.php on the command line. Confirmed compatibility with WooCommerce 5.6. 1.37 - Confirmed compatibility with WordPress v5.8 and WooCommerce v5.5 1.36 - Confirmed compatibility with WordPress 5.7 and WooCommerce 5.1 1.35 - Confirmed compatibility with WooCommerce 5.0. 1.34 - Confirmed compatibility with WordPress 5.6 and WooCommerce 4.8 1.33 - Confirmed compatibility with WooCommerce v4.6 1.32 - Confirmed compatibility with WooCommerce v4.3 1.31 - Improvements to the plugin updater. 1.30 - Added a new option to automatically exclude products that are already on sale. 1.29 - Added an option to exclude specific categories from the sale. 1.28 - Added support for the WooCommerce TM Extra Product Options plugin by themeComplete. Confirmed compatibility with WordPress 5.5 1.27 - Confirmed compatibility with WooCommerce v4.1 1.26 - Confirmed compatibility with WordPress 5.4 and WooCommerce 4.0 1.25 - Added integration with the plugin 'Advanced Product Fields' by StudioWombat. 1.24 - Ensure compatibility with WordPress v5.3.1 and WooCommerce 3.9.0 1.23 - Created a separate changelog.txt for previous versions. 1.22 - Fix for slow performance when using the Flatsome theme. 1.21 - Tested for compatibility with the latest WordPress and WooCommerce versions. 1.20 - Bug fix for Flatsome theme showing the discount badge. 1.18 - Small bugfix for the WooCommerce Addons plugin. 1.17 - Fixed an issue where PW Gift Card amounts will show the sale amounts in the admin area instead of regular price. 1.16 - Fixed an issue with custom Gift Card amounts. 1.15 - Added support for the WooCommerce Currency Switcher plugin by realmag777. 1.14 - Added the ability to specify individual products to be included or excluded from the sale. 1.13 - Confirmed compatibility with WooCommerce v3.5.0. 1.12 - Fixed issue with sale prices not being shown for Ajax calls. 1.11 - Minor bug fixes. 1.10 - Added .pot file for translation support. 1.9 - Added the ability to put items on sale with a fixed price discount. 1.8 - Fixed compatibility issue with PHP v5.3. 1.7 - Updated to show sale price correctly in some themes. 1.6 - Fixed the display of sale price for variations. 1.5 - Added information about our other plugins. 1.3 - Updated the admin menu icon. 1.1 - Removed remote dependency on JQuery 1.0 - Initial Version.